Results for 'Henri van Nispen'

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  1.  49
    A Woven Web of Guesses: Xenophanes of Colophon.Henri van Nispen - 2018 - Apeiron 51 (4):391-403.
    Journal Name: Apeiron Issue: Ahead of print.
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    Production and Comprehension of Pantomimes Used to Depict Objects.Karin van Nispen, W. Mieke E. van de Sandt-Koenderman & Emiel Krahmer - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Sleutel tot de filosofie.Henri van Praag - 1972 - Amsterdam,: Agon Elsevier.
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    Man's Way: A First Book in Philosophy.Henry Van Zandt Cobb - 1942 - Longmans.
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    ‘Dual Sensory Loss Protocol’ for Communication and Wellbeing of Older Adults With Vision and Hearing Impairment – A Randomized Controlled Trial.Hilde L. Vreeken, Ruth M. A. van Nispen, Sophia E. Kramer & Ger H. M. B. van Rens - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    ObjectivesMany older adults with visual impairment also have significant hearing loss. The aim was to investigate the effectiveness of a newly developed Dual Sensory Loss protocol on communication and wellbeing of older persons with DSL and their communication partners in the Netherlands and Belgium.MethodsParticipants and their communication partners were randomized in the “DSL-protocol” intervention group or a waiting-list control group. The intervention took 3 to 5 weeks. Occupational therapists focused on optimal use of hearing aids, home-environment modifications and effective communication (...)
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    Index of Names and Subjects.Antonio Cimino, George Henry van Kooten & Gert Jan van der Heiden - 2017 - In Antonio Cimino, George Henry van Kooten & Gert Jan van der Heiden, Saint Paul and Philosophy: The Consonance of Ancient and Modern Thought. De Gruyter. pp. 361-372.
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    Frontmatter.Antonio Cimino, George Henry van Kooten & Gert Jan van der Heiden - 2017 - In Antonio Cimino, George Henry van Kooten & Gert Jan van der Heiden, Saint Paul and Philosophy: The Consonance of Ancient and Modern Thought. De Gruyter.
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    Table of Contents.Antonio Cimino, George Henry van Kooten & Gert Jan van der Heiden - 2017 - In Antonio Cimino, George Henry van Kooten & Gert Jan van der Heiden, Saint Paul and Philosophy: The Consonance of Ancient and Modern Thought. De Gruyter.
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    Acknowledgments.Antonio Cimino, George Henry van Kooten & Gert Jan van der Heiden - 2017 - In Antonio Cimino, George Henry van Kooten & Gert Jan van der Heiden, Saint Paul and Philosophy: The Consonance of Ancient and Modern Thought. De Gruyter.
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    Introduction to the special issue on Artificial Intelligence for Justice.Floris Bex, Henry Prakken, Tom van Engers & Bart Verheij - 2017 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 25 (1):1-3.
  11.  31
    Index of Ancient Sources.Antonio Cimino, George Henry van Kooten & Gert Jan van der Heiden - 2017 - In Antonio Cimino, George Henry van Kooten & Gert Jan van der Heiden, Saint Paul and Philosophy: The Consonance of Ancient and Modern Thought. De Gruyter. pp. 351-360.
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    Narratives of Πίστις in Paul and Deutero-Paul.Antonio Cimino, George Henry van Kooten & Gert Jan van der Heiden - 2017 - In Antonio Cimino, George Henry van Kooten & Gert Jan van der Heiden, Saint Paul and Philosophy: The Consonance of Ancient and Modern Thought. De Gruyter. pp. 165-188.
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    Saint Paul and Philosophy: The Consonance of Ancient and Modern Thought.Antonio Cimino, George Henry van Kooten & Gert Jan van der Heiden (eds.) - 2017 - De Gruyter.
    The much-acclaimed present-day philosophical turn to the letters of Saint Paul points to a profound consonance between ancient and modern thought. Such is the bold claim of this study in which scholars from contemporary continental philosophy, new testamentary studies and ancient philosophy discuss with each other the meaning Paul's terms pistis, faith. In this volume, this theme discusses in detail the threefold relation between Paul and continental thought, the Graeco-Roman world, and political theology. It is shown that pistis does not (...)
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    List of Abbreviations.Antonio Cimino, George Henry van Kooten & Gert Jan van der Heiden - 2017 - In Antonio Cimino, George Henry van Kooten & Gert Jan van der Heiden, Saint Paul and Philosophy: The Consonance of Ancient and Modern Thought. De Gruyter. pp. 1-2.
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    Board talk: How members of executive hospital boards influence the positioning of nursing in crisis through talk.Arjan Verhoeven, Henri Marres, Erik van de Loo & Pieterbas Lalleman - forthcoming - Nursing Inquiry:e12618.
    Talk by members of executive hospital boards influences the organizational positioning of nurses. Talk is a relational leadership practice. Using a qualitative‐interpretive design we organized focus group meetings wherein members of executive hospital boards (7), nurses (14), physicians (7), and managers (6), from 15 Dutch hospitals, discussed the organizational positioning of nursing during COVID crisis. We found that members of executive hospital boards consider the positioning of nursing in crisis a task of nurses themselves and not as a collective, interdependent, (...)
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    Man's Way. A First Book in Philosophy. [REVIEW]H. A. L. & Henry Van Zandt Cobb - 1942 - Journal of Philosophy 39 (20):558.
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  17. Philosophico-Scientific Problems.P. Henry van Laer & Henry J. Koren - 1958 - Studia Logica 8:328-331.
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  18. The New Fortunes of Humanism.Henri Van Lier & James Labadie - 1960 - Diogenes 8 (30):1-23.
    It has become a commonplace to say that Western civilization—all the civilizations of the globe, in fact—is in a state of crisis. Spengler and Toynbee, after studying the laws governing the development of great cultures of the past, expressed the opinion that our experience is repeating what marked the decline of each of them: development of universal empires, atony of languages, cultural as well as religious agnosticism. For those who may distrust such sweeping views, it is sufficient to observe that (...)
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  19. God in Education.Henry P. Van Dusen - 1951
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    Cupules et naumachie.Henri Van Effenterre - 1955 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 79 (1):541-548.
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    Towards a Frugal Economy.Henri Van Lier - 1979 - Dialectics and Humanism 6 (2):79-85.
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    Voies et plans au Nord-Ouest du palais de Malia.Henri Van Effenterre - 1963 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 87 (1):229-251.
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    (1 other version)Recherches à Dréros.Henri Van Effenterre & J. Demargne - 1937 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 61 (1):5-32.
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    Inscriptions archaïques crétoises.Henri Van Effenterre - 1946 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 70 (1):588-606.
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    Exploring the Meaning of Organizational Purpose at a New Dawn: The Development of a Conceptual Model Through Expert Interviews.Ramon van Ingen, Pascale Peters, Melanie De Ruiter & Henry Robben - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Organizational purpose has flourished in the professional management literature, yet despite increased scholarly interest, academic knowledge and empirical research on the topic remain scarce. Moreover, studies that have been conducted contain important oversights including the lack of a clear conceptualization and misinterpretations that hinder the further development and understanding of organizational purpose. In view of these shortcomings, our interview study aimed to contribute to academic and societal conversations on the contemporary meaning and function of organizational purpose considering the voices and (...)
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  26.  15
    Deux pierres et deux « théières » de Malia.Henri Van Effenterre - 1987 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 111 (1):1-6.
    Réponse aux suggestions de P. Warren sur de possibles « bétyles » à Chryssolakkos et dans la « cour centrale » du Palais en fournissant toutes les observations disponibles. On montre par ailleurs que la cruche du « dépôt de fondation » trouvé par O. Pelon sous la « Résidence » du Palais n'est pas une nouveauté à Mallia : une découverte quasi-identique auprès de la Crypte Hypostyle ôte tout caractère d'indice spécifiquement « palatial » à l'objet.
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    Le sarcophage attique à guirlandes de Mallia.Henri Van Effenterre - 1976 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 100 (1):525-553.
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    Peut-on dater les épées de Mallia?Henri Van Effenterre - 1982 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 106 (1):163-164.
    H. van Effenterre apporte un témoignage oculaire sur l'état de la fouille de 1936 au Palais de Mallia, aussitôt après l'enlèvement des épées d'apparat par Chapouthier. Ce témoignage relativise les conclusions chronologiques effectuées aux environs quarante-cinq ans plus tard.
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  29. The Bloomsbury handbook of Spinoza.Wiep van Bunge, Henri Krop, Piet Steenbakkers & Jeroen M. M. Van de Ven (eds.) - 2024 - London: Bloomsbury Academic.
    This 2nd edition Handbook of Spinoza retains a unique focus on the biographical details of Spinoza's life, as well as essential scholarship on his influences and early critics. A glossary of key Latin Spinozan terms with English translations remains a key feature alongside short synopses of Spinoza's writings. Adding to the updated contemporary scholarship on Spinoza from across Europe and the US is the recognition of Spinoza's influence more globally. Distinct from other reference works on Spinoza, this book offers the (...)
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    Nouvelles lois archaïques de Lyttos.Micheline Van Effenterre & Henri Van Effenterre - 1985 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 109 (1):157-188.
    H. et M. van Effenterre présentent un décret inédit des environs de 500 av. J.-C. interdisant l'accueil des étrangers dans la cité de Lyttos qui avait été découvert par N. Platon. Ils en étudient l'alphabet, le dialecte et la syntaxe, et le rapport avec la xénèlasia et la dikè exoulès. Ils y reconnaîtraient la méfiance de la cité contre des rapatriés parmi lesquels l'aristocratie des cosmes chercherait une clientèle, en particulier une main-d'œuvre nécessaire au développement de l'élevage. En effet, un (...)
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  31.  21
    Recherches à Dréros, II Les inscriptions archaïques.Henri Van Effenterre & J. Demargne - 1937 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 61 (1):333-348.
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    Base inscrite de Kydonia.Henri Van Effenterre, Yannis Papaoikonomou & Anne-Marie Liesenfelt - 1983 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 107 (1):405-419.
    Publication d'une base de statue animalière du IVe siècle portant une dédicace métrique à la triade apollinienne par un Kydoniate qui fut prêtre des Theoi Pantes. Caractère remarquable de la gravure stoichèdon. Identification de l'école de sculpture attique (Crésilas de Kydonia) à laquelle était dû le bronze disparu. Essai de restitution. Étude d'un second texte — inscription honorifique pour un noble kydoniate — gravé à la fin du Ier siècle avant J.-C. sous la base qui fut remployée dans un monument (...)
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    Ecological and Coevolutionary Dynamics in Modern Markets Yield Nonstationarity in Market Efficiencies.Colin M. Van Oort, John Henry Ring Iv, David Rushing Dewhurst, Christopher M. Danforth & Brian F. Tivnan - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-14.
    The U.S. stock market is one of the largest and most complex marketplaces in the global financial system. Over the past several decades, this market has evolved at multiple structural and temporal scales. New exchanges became active, and others stopped trading, regulations have been introduced and adapted, and technological innovations have pushed the pace of trading activity to blistering speeds. These developments have supported the growth of a rich machine-trading ecology that leads to qualitative differences in trading behavior at human (...)
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    (1 other version)Philosophy of science.Pierre Henri Van Laer - 1956 - Pittsburgh,: Duquesne University.
    pt. 1. Science in general.--pt. 2. A study of the division and nature of various groups of sciences.
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  35. The Vindication of Liberal Theology: A Tract for These Times.Henry P. van Dusen - 1963
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    Gaulos.Henri Van Effenterre - 1954 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 78 (1):361-367.
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    Pierres inscrites de Dréros.Henri Van Effenterre - 1961 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 85 (1):544-568.
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  38. Philosophy of Science. — Part Two, Duquesne Studies, Philosophical Series.P. Henry Van Laer - 1966 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 22 (4):427-427.
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    The dictionary of seventeenth and eighteenth-century Dutch philosophers.Wiep van Bunge, Henri Krop, Bart Leeuwenburgh, Han van Ruler, Paul Schuurman & Michiel Wielema (eds.) - 2003 - Bristol: Thoemmes Press.
    In this "Dictionary," more than four hundred biographical entries encompass all the Dutch thinkers who exercised a major influence on the intellectual life of the Golden Age, as well as those who developed their ideas and beliefs through interaction with other scholars. Additional entries describe foreign philosophers who lived in the country temporarily and whose work was influenced by their stay. These include John Locke, Rene Descartes and Pierre Bayle.
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    Cardiovascular disease and prediabetes as complex illness: People's perspectives.Kim van Wissen, Michelle Thunders, Karen Mcbride-Henry, Margaret Ward, Jeremy Krebs & Rachel Page - 2017 - Nursing Inquiry 24 (3):e12177.
    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) and sustained high blood glucose as prediabetes are an established comorbidity. People's experience in reconciling these long‐term conditions requires deeper appreciation if nurses are to more effectively support person‐centred care for people who have them. Our analysis explores the initial experience of people admitted to hospital with CVD who then find they also have sustained high blood glucose. Our methodology is informed by the philosophy of Gadamer and applies interpretive description to develop an interpretation of participant experiences. (...)
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    (1 other version)The problem of certainty in English thought, 1630-1690.Henry G. Van Leeuwen - 1963 - The Hague,: Springer.
    CHAPTER I FRANCIS BACON AND SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE Of the great scientific figures of early seventeenth century England - Harvey, Gilbert, and Bacon - none was so often referred to by members of the Royal Society for a statement of the...
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    Relating Carneades with abstract argumentation via the ASPIC+ framework for structured argumentation.Bas van Gijzel & Henry Prakken - 2012 - Argument and Computation 3 (1):21 - 47.
    Carneades is a recently proposed formalism for structured argumentation with varying proof standards, inspired by legal reasoning, but more generally applicable. Its distinctive feature is that each statement can be given its own proof standard, which is claimed to allow a more natural account of reasoning under burden of proof than existing formalisms for structured argumentation, in which proof standards are defined globally. In this article, the two formalisms are formally related by translating Carneades into the ASPIC+ framework for structured (...)
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  43. The Philosophy of Science. Part One: Science in General.P. Henry van Laer & Henry J. Koren - 1958 - Philosophy of Science 25 (3):223-223.
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    Aharon Lichtenstein, "Henry More, the Rational Theology of a Cambridge Platonist". [REVIEW]Henry G. Van Leeuwen - 1964 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 2 (1):100.
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    M. Jamie Ferreira, "Scepticism and Reasonable Doubt. The British Naturalist Tradition in Wilkins, Hume, Reid and Newman". [REVIEW]Henry G. Van Leeuwen - 1989 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 27 (2):312.
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Sue Ellen Henry, Barbara J. Thayer-Bacon, Malcolm B. Campbell, Donald Vandenberg, William H. Fisher, J. Charles Park, James van Patten, Douglas W. Doyle, Rita S. Saslaw & Constance Marie Willett - 1998 - Educational Studies 29 (1):15-61.
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    Anthropogénie.Henri Van Lier - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
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    Research ethics consultations: A canadian perspective using research ethicists.Marleen Van Laethem & Blair Henry - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (3):35 – 37.
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    Physicians’ Quantitative Assessments of Medical Futility.William J. Winslade, Henry S. Perkins, Stuart J. Youngner, Jeffrey W. Swanson & S. Van McCrary - 1994 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 5 (2):100-105.
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    A hybrid formal theory of arguments, stories and criminal evidence.Floris J. Bex, Peter J. van Koppen, Henry Prakken & Bart Verheij - 2010 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 18 (2):123-152.
    This paper presents a theory of reasoning with evidence in order to determine the facts in a criminal case. The focus is on the process of proof, in which the facts of the case are determined, rather than on related legal issues, such as the admissibility of evidence. In the literature, two approaches to reasoning with evidence can be distinguished, one argument-based and one story-based. In an argument-based approach to reasoning with evidence, the reasons for and against the occurrence of (...)
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